Assam Tea Tourism ~ Natural Beauty in Assam

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Assam Tea Tourism

Spectacular Tea Garden of AssamThe Leaves For Long Lasting Freshness

What better way to start your day than sipping on a hot cup of Assam tea, freshly picked right from your backyard. Don't bother to think, there are none. It is a black tea named after the region it is produced in. Assam tea is famous for its briskness, malty flavor, and stong color. Assam tea are not confined to Indian sub continent but are exported to all parts of the world as breakfast tea. In Assam, tea is generally produced in the low lying areas unlike Darjeeling and Nilgiris which are grown at higher altitudes. Today, Assam produces more than half of the tea produced in India which is sold through the auction center in Guwahati. Around 400 million kgs of tea comes from Assam tea gardens. Most of the tea gardens are situated in Jorhat which is called the 'Tea Capital of The World'.

The Start of Tea

People of Bodo Tribe are known to have brought tea into Assam. But they produced for themselves and hardly took it outside Assam. The plant was then discovered by Robert Bruce in 1823. After his death, his brother sent the seeds to British Government in Calcutta. They learned the method of tea production from china and employed it in Assam. They brought many workers from Bihar and Orissa who permanently settled here and came to be known as Assamese. For better results, local variety was crossed with Chinese tea plant to give rise to the present Assam tea.

Tea Gardens

Forest have been cleared to give way for some breathtaking tea gardens to come up. There are more than 850 tea estates and more than 2500 tea gardens in Assam that cover thousands of acres of land. For their scenic beauty, calm and peaceful environment, tea gardens have become a great tourist attaction in Assam. While exploring Assam, many times you will cross though tea gardens sprawling for miles on both sides of the road. You can stop at one of these places and get a glimpse of life in tea gardens. You will see workers watering the plant s and picking tea leaves from them. Workers picking leaves, have a huge basket on their back, in which they put all the leaves collected.

Walking through the tea gardens is really an experience one must have when traveling to Assam.


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